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Księgarnia Idena > Second World. Unagrade stories: (not) ours... UA
Second World. Unagrade stories: (not) ours... UA


Second World. Unagrade stories: (not) ours... UA

Vakhtang Kipiani

Wydawca: Vivat
EAN: 9789669426819
Strony: 304, Format: 210x151 mm
Data wydania: 2022
cena: 33,20  27,76 zł
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wysyłamy w terminie od 1 do 3 dni
Przesyłka już od 7,99 zł
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The war has divided families, taken lives, crippled destinies... Knowing and remembering is important at all times. Even after many decades, new details, memories and testimonies appear.

o The (un) our war is not only for the Motherland, but also for the interests of several totalitarian states.

o Our war - even in eighty years.

o War is alive - we remember.

o War is different - different for everyone, because everyone sees and understands in their own way.

The book consists of real family stories told from the words of parents, grandparents. The authors of the articles collected thanks to the popular science publication "Historical Truth" tell about the worst war of the twentieth century, the fate of those people whose lives are forever divided into before and after.

In particular, you will learn about:

o Ukrainians who fought in different armies;

o life of deportees;

o the share of those deported to forced labor;

o men and women who have remained young forever.

One war - different destinies

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