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Księgarnia Idena > The Dictionary of Political Knowledge
The Dictionary of Political Knowledge


The Dictionary of Political Knowledge

Joanna Marszałek-Kawa
Danuta Plecka

EAN: 9788381800310
Strony: 519, Format: 220x160x28 mm
Data wydania: 2021
cena: 63,45  54,76 zł
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The Dictionary of Political Knowledge was created as the effect of the work of numerous scholars engaged into the implementation of the scientific project called The Basic Categories of Political Science, realized due to the support of Prof. Czesław Mojsiewicz Fund for International Cooperation. [] The editors' intention was to collect in one volume a certain set of knowledge that helps not only specialists, but also students, especially in humanities, journalists and commentators to understand and assess the surrounding reality.

Inne książki autora Joanna Marszałek-Kawa:
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